Sunday, December 30, 2012

It is time for a fresh start.

I am almost ready for New Year's.


I am working on some resolutions, for the first time in many years. I think the last time I made a resolution at New Year's was at Y2K. Yikes!

I have been going through some stuff this past few months, and it is time for me to get some clarity and focus about my life; what I want and what I am going to do to get it.

This is really just a short message to get the ball rolling, and put the energy out there in the universe.

Universe, are you listening?

I know I am. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

I am getting my computer back tomorrow! Yay!

It has been about 2 months since I had my own computer. I have had a loaner from Mom, and am very grateful for it. I have finally gotten used to its weird keyboard habits. I have to really throw the keys, it feels like an old typewriter to me, you know the kind that you have to hit the keys hard enough to get the arm to the paper. I was soooooo spoiled by my light touch keys. I am so excited to be getting it back!

In other news...

I am in a career development program right now. It is a five week program and I just finished week four. I am learning so much about myself, I almost want to call it a personal development program. I am forming a plan about what I want to do 'when I grow up'. Cause really 30-something is time to make these decisions...

I am working on my own website, got the idea from one of the girls in my class. Thanks Laura! I am so excited to be starting on this new journey.

Gotta get some sleep now, big day tomorrow!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My computer went kaput. I am very fortunate that my mom still had her old laptop, and let me borrow it. The funny thing about this is that mom's laptop gets better internet reception than mine ever did. I will have to ask the computer guy about this when I take mine in for repair. I haven't been able to regularly log on with my laptop for several months, it almost seems personal. Which to me is kinda ridiculous, because what would I have done?

So anyways.

I have been going through a tough patch. I got pushed out of my job, my car broke down, the computer crapped out. And to top it off, my boyfriend is coming to visit for a few days. My house is in chaos right now, mostly because I have been spending so much time trying to distract myself from the fact that life decided to fall apart on me this summer.

I have a big To Do List. And it is all urgent.

I remember reading in one of my many self help books that you should spend the most time on important tasks, as opposed to just urgent ones. After a while the urgency diminishes, and you get to spend your time on stuff that is important but not urgent. I almost wish I could turn back time and spend some of it on maintenance instead of avoidance. I am learning, sometimes slowly, sometimes REALLY slowly.

I could live in the world of what if's but I think that classes as insanity. Speaking of there are two kinds of crazy in this world, there is good crazy that means you can see the fun in all kinds of life situations, then there is the bad crazy which involves denial and manipulation and control. I know I can be one of those people that has the good crazy. 

Well it has been great chatting, but I got a bunch of stuff to do. Gotta get to it before it becomes really urgent. lol :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I am going through some changes in my life. I want to share some of these today here on my blog.

I have been researching possible new careers for myself. I am looking at nutrition, health and wellness, and life coaching. My thinking is that these are all things I am passionate about and they are interconnected. If I can get some education in these areas I could have a personal business that would be satisfying on a personal and global level for me.

I started looking at nutrition. How the foods we eat affect our health and how we feel. I think I have a good idea how food affects my system, but I need to learn the why and how it would affect other people. I know from experience that the same food affects different people differently. There is no one diet that suits everyone.


What exactly is a Diet? It has really become one of the four letter words. You know the ones, they are all bad. They all mean something dirty.

I looked it up, and my definition is #4: the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group: The native diet consists of fish and fruit.

A diet consists of everything a person puts into their system. It does not include the stuff you plan on eating, or know you should eat. It is the stuff you eat now. I don't understand how we, as a society have gotten so confused about this.

Right now I know my diet is less than ideal. I could be eating much healthier, but I am not going to deny what I am eating. I am eating way too much processed foods, not enough good protein, and not nearly enough fruits and vegetables. I do try to sub whole grains for white flour whenever I can.

I have some junk in my house that I need to use up before I can put a real solid effort into devising a healthy eating plan for myself. I have some processed salad dressings that have to go, and the non-dairy coffee creamer is so bad (the first ingredient it 'corn syrup solids')

I am trying to eat cleaner, no processed food, and less sugar. Sugar is really the Big Bad. The little research I have done so far, processed sugar is metabolized by the body as a poison. And the human body isn't able to process it as fast as we are eating it. So what is happening is it is building up in our systems and making us all sick. I for one don't want to be sick anymore.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I am going away sometime this week, and I need to have some hand work to do. I am looking at my WIP's and they are all machine work or need an iron, this is kinda frustrating. I don't have a crochet project that is ready to work on, and I am really needing something to keep my hands busy.

I am thinking about taking the 'secret project' I started the other week. I have a little more machine piecing to do on it then it will be hand work, I just love crazyquilting.

The plans for getting away keep changing. At first I thought we were leaving Monday morning, then it got changed to Wednesday morning. Now my man is only getting two days off and they are Saturday and Sunday. Wow, good thing I am not a control freak, I wouldn't be able to cope with all the changes. I really am looking forward to getting away from it all. I regret that I am going to miss my good friends anniversary barbeque on Saturday, but some things just can't be helped. I would love to have the best of both worlds, but I don't think J would be up for meeting 30ish new people on the maybe only weekend he is going to have off work this summer. And frankly I don't know that I want to share him with those 30ish people, I would rather get away just me and him. Find some quiet old forestry road to follow, look for a flat place to pitch the tent and not have to deal with any other people.

 I am almost sure that we will find some place with a view, being that we are both outdoorsy people and love water and trees, and those usually go hand in hand with mountains. I am taking my camera, will see if any pics turn out.

This has been one of those posts that I start and save and work on the next day and save, etc. I hope it doesn't end up sounding too choppy I have been working on it for almost a week. My internet connection has been really sketchy for a couple of weeks now. I am not sure what is going on because I piggy-back on the landlords wifi.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello World!

I have been putting off doing some difficult laundry items. They have been building up in my laundry basket and each time I do laundry they don't get done and go back into the basket. Sometimes they all get together and hang out under my kitchen table for a few days, then go back to the basket. They also like the bucket in the bathroom, but they always end up back in the laundry basket, unwashed. So today I am going to figure out how to clean them....

I have done a bunch of research online (where else do you go when you need to know the old world secrets). I am going to boil my laundry. I can feel you laughing at me. I have tried this before with the dirty dishcloths, you know the ones, that don't come clean and when you pull them out of the drawer you smell them and throw them back in the laundry. This seems to be a curse in my family, maybe it is just that we won't admit defeat and throw them away. Well I don't want to throw them just because they stink. I tried boiling some a few months ago, okay couple years ago, and they got much better. So now I am going to try it on other stuff, like facecloths and undershirts. I have this one shirt that I have been wearing to work for a while, and the pit-stains are nasty, the shirt itself is thrashed there are wear holes around the collar and, well it is just worn out. What better item to test a new process on! I took a couple of before pictures (not posting yet in case it doesn't work, so no-one will see how bad it really is) and I am going to get it clean then post after pictures. Again, I can FEEL you laughing at me. If this works I'm going to start a Laundry Revolution. I am that excited about it. Maybe I could work for the thrift stores to start off with, I am sure they throw a bunch of stuff because it is too stained to sell. Then I can work a private 'practice' nursing stained clothes back to health and cleanliness. Then maybe, I would give seminars and motivational talks to teach people how to do it themselves. Wow, what a dream.

Okay back to reality.

I really don't expect anyone else to actually be interested in this anytime soon, but I want to reduce the amount of waste that I send to the landfill. It really is all interconnected.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Went to the beach yesterday with NeighborDavid. It was very nice to get out in the sun and see some of nature, even if it was on the busiest of my local beaches on the first stinking hot Saturday afternoon in July (everyone else and their dog thought it was a good idea too). I try to avoid the busy beaches, I much prefer the smaller less commercial ones. I want to feel the water and see the sand, experience the Beach. I'm not there to people watch, I want nature.

So I am feeling a little inspired. I think I am going to pull some of the puzzle off the wall and stitch it together. I would like to get enough blocks pieced to get the last of the unpieced blocks on the wall. I will have to dig through my dig-photos to find the layout pics I took. But that shouldn't take too long. I never let my quilting stuff get too hidden.

Life is throwing me curve balls and I am just gonna have to learn to catch. (cause I sure aint batting)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Wow life is just throwing me all the opportunities right now. 'Ask and you shall receive.'

I have been asking for change, been hoping for manageable change, been getting BIG life changing change.

I know that it all is life changing change. But I don't know if I am ready for this.

The most recent is the job... I am done. I have been so frustrated and so worn down by this job that I am afraid that I don't have the energy to find something else right away. I have no idea what I want to do or what I am suited to do. I have been doing the same job for 12 years and it feels like that is all I am good for. I have worked in other industries and not liked them. I like the idea of working close to home, not being on the road. And not having a big commute. I even like retail. I like working with customers, enjoy the merchandising, even the warehousing aspect of the job was fun. I don't want to deal with the big corporation social politics anymore. Things just got so out of hand, it was like highschool only worse, cause back then the teachers had to tell you how you were doing.

So I have some options:

1. I can feel sorry for myself and wallow in it for a few weeks.

2. I can see this as an opportunity and get started living the life that I really want.

3.  I can get honest and find something to pay the bills and start working towards getting the life I want.

So here is what I am gonna do:

I have put out some feelers and might have another bit job lined up, I know it is not what I want to do but gotta pay the bills. I am going to explore some of my crafting stuff and see if it is a viable option for business. I will not let this get me down. I am better than this.

I was talking with my neighbor and he had no idea the situation was as bad as it was, makes me feel a little better. That I really have been keeping up that much of a front. I really want to get honest and live my true life. He also didn't know that I am a quilter and a creative thinker. It felt pretty good to do some showing off. I know that I am doing some really beautiful work, but sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else.

Things are only gonna get better for me. I can feel it this time. I realize that that stupid job was clutter in my life and now it is time to let it go. I feel so much more at peace today than I have felt for many years.

Maybe I am ready for this. (Turns page, starts new Chapter!)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I wrote that I was going away for my long weekend. I am so glad that I went. I needed to get away. Went up to Penticton for three days, got to see my man, and get to know the town he's gonna be living in for 5 months. I realized just how much I miss the Okanagan Valley. It is so beautiful up there, I forgot to take pictures until I was leaving town, I was so wrapped up in the moment.

Just driving down the 97c into Westbank, the smell in the air changed. It smelled like vacation. I think I will be going up there to visit a little more often this summer. And it doesn't hurt that my man is up there working so I will have a place to stay, with someone I care about.

Needless to say I had a great trip and am wishing I hadn't come back to the city.

Friday, June 29, 2012

I am in a quandry. I want to write, but I have to leave for work in a few minutes. If I leave it til after work I won't write at all. I am going away for my long weekend, and I have been so busy getting ready. Getting the car ready, and cleaned out. Making sure I have some craft projects to keep my hands busy. Trying to get caught up on the housework stuff, so I don't have to come home to a messy house and a bunch of work to do. Work is rough, last night was tough I almost quit on the spot. I am so tired of the BS, I don't want to play anymore.

And through all this I am constantly thinking about Clutter Busting. What can I get rid of? What is no longer part of my life right now?

The conflict comes in when I get motivated to do some stuff (like now) I have to go to work, or sleep. I want to have some time to be myself and get some work done on myself. Is that asking too much?

Please Universe, let me get some stuff done. Please.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I have been reading my new book, I finally picked up a copy of Brooks Palmer's Clutter Busting. And it is taking over my life. I was reading earlier about a woman who was keeping all the emails from a past relationship, and I can relate. I have been holding on to old love letters and emails for years. I almost wish I could post proof that I am deleting and throwing this stuff out. I guess I will have to get creative and find symbolic representations of these acts.

I took the time yesterday to take my before pictures of my house. I haven't even looked at them yet, I am a little afraid of what I will see. Cause when I see my stuff out of context it always looks so different than what I see when I look around the house.

I had a moment at work last night. I have been fighting to not get emotionally invested in my job, good luck with that one. I have been working on it for months. Finally last night when it all hit the fan - I was able to just keep my cool and get through it. I didn't freak out or melt down or anything. I am so proud of myself. So proud. I never knew it was possible.

In other news. -
Finally watched the ending of 'The Book of Eli.' What a good movie. I borrowed it from my neighbor and it has taken a long time to sit down and watch it.

What else have I got... I am kinda drawing a blank, maybe I need to get off the computer and do something. Ha Ha What like, live life.

Ciao! lotsalove. seeyalater.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

There is a lot going on in my life right now. I know I should share some of it, but I don't know where to start.

I am still working full time, hate my job, but have to continue because it pays the bills.

I am living in this little two bedroom basement suite, that is way too small for all my stuff, still. And frankly I don't like it much.

There is a man in my life. (Don't know how much to say about this, cause there is so much going on there)

I heard that a friend of mine has started selling stuff on ebay and quit her job. She is shopping at thrift stores and turning it over on ebay for quite the profit. Sounds like it could work, but how much work is it?

My mom just got a long arm. So now I have the extra motivation I need to get working on my quilt again.

Okay that is enough rambling. What is really going on? What, in June? My phone and my dvd player both crapped out on the same week. So they have both been replaced, yay new toys. I finally graduated to a touch screen phone, wow shiny! Got the dvd player really cheap at a overstock store for $17.88, couldn't believe it. It doesn't do much, just dvds. I haven't even tried a cd in it yet.

I seem to be in the middle of an epiphany about getting on with getting organized. I am at the point where I want it so bad that it is consuming almost all my waking thoughts. I have ideas while driving, while at work, but always right in the middle of doing something else. I know that even now I should be doing something productive. But really my head is so cluttered that when I do start to get some stuff done I get so distracted, my brain wanders off after like 5 minutes. Very Frustrating! So this is an effort to clear some of the mental clutter so I can get started on some of the physical clutter. I have been reading Clutter Busting and he talks about the mental side of getting rid of stuff. I have noticed that I get really overwhelmed and can only do so much before my brain shuts down and I can't let go of anything. I have this amazing opportunity right  now and I am going to take advantage of it.

What is this opportunity, you ask? Well I have this new man in my life. And I have found in him 99% of all my 'Partner Wish List'. What are the odds of that? The one percent? He's short, not real short, just an inch less than me. So I think I can cope with that. Oh yeah, and he's a neat freak (in contrast to my clutter-bug). So here is the golden opportunity... He is working out of town, construction, he is going to be away for 5 months. Now this is still pretty early in the relationship, we just passed the three month mark. I am going to have some time on my hands. What am I going to do? GET ORGANIZED! I am going to make some progress on the clutter-bugishness that has been holding me back, for all these years. It is time for me to grow up and get rid of stuff. It is going to be about getting honest and growing up. I am going to take a bunch of before pictures, so that when I get to taking some after pictures I will have something to compare it to. Again this is going to be about maturity. No time like the present. I have said it before 'life doesn't happen while I am writing it on a list.'

I have all these plans. I want to get so much done. I have all the ideas and now is the time to put some of it into motion.

But right now I have to get ready for work. It is Jaq's last day before her holiday and we are doing pizza for lunch. So looking forward to it.

That's about all I have time for today. Happy Friday world. ttys!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I am trying to make decisions.

I have started a new household binder, to take up some of the paper junk I keep around. I am putting everything into it that I have on a piece of paper that I don't want to keep in my head anymore. It is filling up fast.

I am working on a master shopping list. Whenever I am writing a shopping list I get through the stuff I need every day and then come to a road block, I just can't think of the stuff I need. Then when I do remember I am nowhere near a list then I forget again before I can write it down.

I want structure in my life. How do I do that? I dunno.

I want to blog on a weekly basis. But which day am I going to write? And how do I make the decision what to write? There is always so much running through my head. Like now. I am getting ready for work, thinking about home organization, wondering when I will see my BF next, what am I going to make for dinner at 4am when I get home, how much more can I handle? And that is just a few. I have craft projects I want to finish, some I want to start, some I have been saving materials for that I want to work on. But I haven't done more than a couple minutes in more than six months. It has been so long since I worked on my puzzle quilt that it is starting to fall off the design wall.

I was contemplating my storage room the other day. (That is almost enough by itself) I saw the jigsaw puzzles that Mom and Dad gave me for my birthday last year. At the time I just took the box and added it to the heap. I would like to bring it out and do a puzzle with BF, too bad there is nowhere to spread out a puzzle board.

Maybe 13 is going to be my lucky number. This year I started out wanting to downsize and organize my stuff and get on with life. Well I am going to get organized even if it kills me. But I think that next year is going to be my year. So far I have made a mess of this one.

There is always something else I should be doing. I should be getting my stuff ready for work or prepping my shopping list, or doing some house work. But I want to write on my journal.

It is funny how things kinda go where they want to go. Not always where I thought they would.

Well life isn't sitting waiting for me, I better go get to it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Okay, I was feeling a little down the other day. (UNDERSTATEMENT)
The good news is I am feeling a little better now.

Tonight is my Friday, and I have some plans for the weekend. If it is nice out tomorrow, I am going to find a park or beach to chill at with a book and maybe a nap. I have been wanting to get out in nature more and what better time than right now while the weather is nice.

I know J has plans for me tomorrow afternoon, so I need to get some sleep. But I want so much to take care of myself. Can I do it all? Maybe.

I was restless yesterday while I was supposed to be sleeping. I ended up getting up and sorting through a couple of boxes (goes well with the get organized theme from earlier this year). I got my dishes done and some laundry, felt pretty good heading out to work last night. Then had a good shift. Strange things are going on, my life is actually working out for a change.

Really that is about all I have to say right now. Strange to me that things are not catastrophic. I am so used to living in a constant state of crisis, this is new to me.

Okay, I gotta get back to bed. I work tonight then at 3am my weekend starts. So looking forward to it!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I have been feeling really disconnected from life.

All I do is work and sleep.

It is almost as if life isn't happening to me right now.

I have all these ideas.
Of things I want to create, with fabric, and yarn, and I want to build stuff.

I want to grow a garden.

I have met this great guy, I hardly get to see him because of my schedule.

I have family that I miss terribly.

I have friends that I miss almost as much.

The seasons have changed and I hardly even noticed.

All I do is work and sleep.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thinking about etiquette, especially of the internet variety.

Things I know:
-it is not polite to comment anonymously on a blog that isn't privacy conscious, it also is not polite to comment publicly on an anonymous blog.
-it is polite to link back to other bloggers you refer to.
-it is polite to comment on a fellow blogger's comment on my blog.

Things I am not sure of:
-how much do I say about a fellow blogger when I link back to them.
-what is appropriate to comment on others' blogs.
-if or how I can send an 'I miss hearing from you, how is it going?' message to someone I enjoy reading.
-can I message people at strange hours, are they going to get annoying beeps etc in the middle of the night.

I know I am totally over thinking this. It is all very random. If I want to get my messages right away I leave my email open, if I don't want to be disturbed I close everything down. I know I would love to get a random message from someone to see how life is. But I value my anonymity, I don't want everyone to know who I am.

I think now I am going to talk a little about anonymity.

Where I work everyone knows my name. Mostly because of my position, I get paged quite a lot. And lots of people get referred to me, 'go ask Bubbles, she can help you', the part that really drives me crazy is that all these people know my name and I only know them by their department. I have tried to get to know everyone's name, I get them all mixed up and call people by the wrong name, it was very embarassing so I gave that up. But once in a while it is nice when someone asks for my name. This happened last night. Our store is renovating so there is a construction crew around all the time. I am getting to know some of them by face and to say hello. Well, I got a flat tire last night and one of the guys pointed it out to me, and wanted to help me get it sorted out. He actually didn't know my name and asked for it, introducing himself at the same time. It was so refreshing, that there are people who don't know my name.

This all sounds really silly to me. It is my name. I have it for a reason, as a society we use names to identify. But my feelings are: that it is my name and I should get to choose who knows it.

Makes me think of that Brad Paisley song 'online' 

How much pressure there is by society to portray the best of yourself at all times, even if it is not entirely true.

This is the start of my weekend. I have Sunday night and Monday night off. I have big plans. I am trying to set up a new organization tool, using index cards on a couple of rings so they flip. I am a very visual person, if I can't see it it won't get done. Things have been so hectic lately I haven't had time to post (translate: I have been too lazy or spent too much time playing games, curse Castleville)

A fellow blogger found me the other day and left me a comment. This always throws me off because in my mind when I blog it is mostly just a journal, I don't figure anyone but family reads me. It is the second time this has happened and WOW an audience is a big responsibility. I am laughing inside about it because I write because I have things to say, in hopes that some one might want to listen. Ironic that when someone does listen I go into shock.

I am starting this new organization thing because I was having breakfast the other day, 6pm, I looked over at the kitchen sink and realized that I hadn't done dishes in almost a week. Yikes! I have the time to do all these little chores, but it is motivation I have trouble with.

Even right now I am avoiding those same dishes to write this post.

Lately, I feel inspiration nudging me from the corner, the quiltfool wrote about a denim throw they use on the couch. I have a plan to cut up all the old jeans I have been collecting and make a throw blanket crazy patch, and embellish it with embroidery and buttons and beads and applique... I saw a picture somewhere a couple of years ago maybe in a magazine and it was beautiful. I can already imagine the texture of it and the weight. I don't know if I will be able to stop while it is still just a throw blanket, I might have to make a bedspread also.

See I get inspired and want to conquer the world. Then I wake up and realize I don't have time, because I have to have my dishes done first.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

I am still working graveyards, I have no time to do anything that isn't related to working or sleeping. I have started to fight the good fight at work. I want more out of life, so I joined a monthly photo a day challenge. Boy-oh-boy, who was I kidding I don't even get to see daylight let alone take a decent picture of anything. I am trying to get my home organized, no time to... see above... I would really like to hang out some people I care about more than once a year. I am trying to get to a couple of meetings a week, huge challenge meetings usually start about the same time I start work in the evening, no luck there.

I am kinda falling into the pit of despair, not literally. But feeling sorry for myself and feeling stuck at the same time. Here I am in the prime of my life, single, desire to be social, and stuck living like a vampire against my will. All because I need to have a job. The job pays for things like rent, and groceries. And it puts gas in my car, mostly so I can get to and from work. ARGGGHHH!!!

This isn't a life.

(I just looked at what I have written and it so didn't go where I wanted it to)

I wanted to post about my photo challenge.

When I was sill in high-school, way back when, I had a friend that took photography. I used to hang out with her after school in the photo lab and help/learn about developing. It really sparked my interest, ever since then I have wanted my own dark room. So I am on Google+ and I see all these posts about photo a day, for a whole year. I am interested but that sounds huge. I don't know if I am ready for that kinda commitment. My New Year's Resolutions only lasted about 14 hours, how can I handle committing to something for 365, err66 days, every day. I also saw another challenge just for a month, now that is more my speed. I think I can handle a month.
        News Flash!
I really can't handle 3 days, before I get exhausted and give it up.I started late, posted 4 pictures, and haven't posted anything in more than a week. One more thing I don't have time for.

Well it is bed time now, it has been nice chatting with you. Have a nice day, hope to talk to you again soon.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I saw this on G+. Are you Right Brained or Left Brained?

Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz
The higher of these two numbers below indicates which side of your brain has dominance in your life.  Realising your right brain/left brain tendancy will help you interact with and to understand others.
Left Brain Dominance: 10(10)
Right Brain Dominance: 15(15)
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz


Apparently I am Right Brained.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have a bunch of sites I subscribe to on the internet, for reading. I don't know if it is winter blues or what? But I am running out of stuff to read. I am trying to cut down on the number of blogs I feel compelled to read, but now I am looking for new stuff. What is going on? Am I that deprived that I need to search out other peoples lives to substitute for having one of my own? There is other stuff I want to be doing with my time, like getting my house organized, some big stuff like that. I was looking at some stuff on youtube today, about procrastination. Big nasty word. I am all the different types of procrastinator. I can put anything off almost indefinitely. Why bother doing it tomorrow, when I can avoid it altogether.

Time to get motivated. Right now is my Friday morning, I have to work tonight then I have my 'weekend', if it can be called that. I have stuff to do, I really want to do it.

I just did a preview and this really is a thought bubble. POP!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Days!

Yes we got a bunch more snow, yay! I happened to be awake at 3:30 this morning, so I peaked outside to see how much snow we got. There was about three more inches, WOW. I was already awake so I bundled up (scarf, gloves, housecoat, winter-boots) and went outside to sweep my area. Little did I realize what a mistake this was going to be. I went back to bed, curled up with a fresh hot-water-bottle and slept til about 7:30. I woke up to a power outage, no lights, no heat, NO COFFEE. Meanwhile the freezing rain had started, the area I had swept was now a sheet of ICE. I settled in for a day without light or heat until the craving for coffee was bad enough to motivate me to walk to the gas station up the road for a cup.

I bundled up properly this time. I don't have any long-johns so I improvised, summer pj-pants under jeans with t-shirt, thin zip up sweat shirt, and big bulky (favorite) hoodie. Top it off with down winter jacket and snow boots, I was ready to go. Now I am a little OCD and a lot ADD so I can never leave the house just once. By the time I actually got out of the house I was quite warm and very much looking forward to that cup of coffee. It was a really nice walk, the snow was beautiful (forgot to take my camera) even if it was slightly trampled by the rain. And never before in my life has gas station coffee ever tasted so good.

Aren't I lucky, as I was walking home with hot coffee in gloved hands, I saw the utility company truck with a guy in the cherry-picker up the pole at the corner. The power was back on by the time I got to the house.

Pretty eventful day, up until 10:00 am.

And this is the part of snow days that I love. Being home, having nowhere to go, baking something sweet and just relaxing.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I made the dreaded phone call... It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, except that it lead to another call I got stressed about. I promptly shook my head "the first one wasn't so bad, just do it now while you are still celebrating the first one". I made that second call. Low and behold that one wasn't so bad either! I know that each time I succeed at this it only makes it easier to succeed next time.

Check, difficult phone calls made.

Now I can move onto other (more important) things, hehe.

I decided to reorganize my entrance way today. It was one of those impulse things. I started to pick up the stuff that accumulates there so I could shake out the mat, and next thing I know I am digging in the storage room to get that utility shelf thing 'I know it's in here, somewhere'. Got that set up and kinda level. It now holds a couple of houseplants that don't really have a home, my shoes, and stuff that needs to go out (to car, back to owner, etc.) I feel good about it, productive.

I have been having computer troubles. I keep losing my antivirus program, or rather the license key to it. I have become quite proficient at uninstalling and reinstalling it. Today when I realized that was the problem I got it done in about 15 min. I think my computer problems are bigger than that. I think I need to wipe it and reformat. EEEEEKKK!!!! I have never done this before. I think I should tell someone that I am, kinda like when you go camping or hiking out in the wild, tell someone where you are going so that if you don't check in in a few days they know where to start looking for you.

I hear we are getting more snow tonight. This might be the first time I am excited about it. Feeling a little better about life I can look forward to being snowed in for another day. Not like I really have anywhere to go anyway. Mmmmm just thinking I should probably got up to the laundromat soon, I am starting to run out of clean socks. LOL

That's good for me today.

Hope everyone is enjoying the snow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I've been chatting with a friend on FB. We kept finding all these strange sounds recorded around august and september last year. I think they were related to the earthquake, but lots of the youtube posts liked it to the book of revelations. Kinda freaky.

Are we in the middle of the apocalypse?

I have way too much time on my hands right now. Little brain, big thoughts. Not a good combination.

I've got another one of those big nasty phone calls to make. Way too much anxiety attached. I know I need to do it, but I don't even know how to word my question. I know I am stalling, but that is what the procrastinator in me does. I can find anything and everything else to do until it is too late, then I have to do it tomorrow.

How is that for honesty?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Update on the quilting stuff:

So I got the next two rows stitched into blocks and now row # 5 and 6 are ready to go. I am proud of myself, I haven't done this much work on it in months. Just looking at it now, it looks the same as the last pic I posted, but it isn't. See that little pile at the bottom right of the pic, that is the first two rows, lol. There is at least 3 hours work up there on the wall, and that doesn't include all the unpicking I had to do because I didn't check the tension.

I am feeling a little better about the recovery stuff. It isn't all my fault. Maybe there are resources available to me that I haven't explored yet. I can get through this. I need to learn to ask for support. That usually entails making a phone call.

That fear of the phone, I come by it so honestly. I swear it runs in the family.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I posted this pic on facebook (something that I rarely do) a picture of my quilting design wall, with my current project on it. I have been 'working' on this quilt since 2008 ish. Collecting fabrics takes a long time when you want something like 30 of them. I cut all the pieces about a year ago and slowly have been piecing them together. I have 16 blocks assembled only 48 to go. Anyway it is taking a lot of concentration because they all have to be put together with pieces of the neighboring blocks. See how they interlock like 'Puzzle Pieces'. So I got inspired about 11pm last night, (on Friday the 13th) I made the decision not to pull out the sewing machine to start piecing right then, but put in some time organizing my workspace. So that when I can do some piecing I can just jump right in. I am just waiting for my coffee to drip then I think I will get started. With all that funny white stuff on the ground outside I don't think I am going anywhere today so I might as well do something nice for myself.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Activist moves homeless into foreclosures

Activist moves homeless into foreclosures

Wow. I wonder if there is anything like this going on in Canada?

Book Review: The Post Carbon Reader (Daniel Lerch interview)

Book Review: The Post Carbon Reader (Daniel Lerch interview)

Found this article on the new Zeitgeist daily paper. Sounds like something I need to read.

Really an excuse to try the share button and see what happens.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wow, I thought I would take a look at my blogs and see if I wanted to post. And realized I must like pink after all. My backgrounds were both pink! I don't do pink! I am not a girly girl. I go for oranges and earthtones. Not a lot of pink in earthtones.

I am just chilling a bit before I go to bed. I am still working graveyard shift, and it sucks. I have no social life. There is a little time in the morning and like two hours late at night, but most of my awake time is while everyone else is sleeping.

I had a bit of a revelation today. Was chatting with a friend on Facebook. I was telling him about my plans for the new me. It felt really good to articulate it, to get it out into the universe and hear some feedback. I have a plan and it is now up to me to follow through and make it happen.

That's enough for now. Maybe I will be a little more talkative later.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Do you ever get stuck?

I am at the end of a complicated and long time on again off again romance/friendship. I feel like I have lost a couple years of my life. I look around at my life and I don't like where I live, or my job, and I don't quite know how I got here. It feels like it happened while I was sleeping.

Enough of that. This is a new year and the rest of my life starts today. I am starting a bunch of new projects, some I will post and some are just for me (I won't have anything for show and tell if I give it all up on my blog).

Here are some of my Plans for 2012:

1)    I am going to get organized. Get rid of stuff I don't use, know what I have in storage, and use/enjoy the things that I do have.

2)    I will spend some time every day on something I love. Whether it is a hobby like quilting or crochet, or meeting a friend for coffee. Something every day.

3)    I will live in tune with my values. I have been so outside of what really matters to me it is time to get more aligned.

That said it is time for me to get doing something, life doesn't live itself. I have to be there and participate.
The good thing I did today: I started a new blog to help me get rid of some stuff. (and it is only 5am) 2012downsizing I am feeling very overwhelmed with my stuff, and need to get rid of. I need to create some clear space in my life and make room for some good stuff. Like life and love.

This is going to be an ongoing process and maybe it will take more than a year, but this is the year for me to start. There is no time like the present.

Thanks for visiting, see you again soon.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I found a challenge from a fellow blogger.

I have been thinking about what I did today. I have had a pretty low key day, watching movies, napping, writing a little. I guess my good thing today is taking care of myself. No needless stress in my day. Wouldn't it be nice if everyday could be like this.