Sunday, March 4, 2012

This is the start of my weekend. I have Sunday night and Monday night off. I have big plans. I am trying to set up a new organization tool, using index cards on a couple of rings so they flip. I am a very visual person, if I can't see it it won't get done. Things have been so hectic lately I haven't had time to post (translate: I have been too lazy or spent too much time playing games, curse Castleville)

A fellow blogger found me the other day and left me a comment. This always throws me off because in my mind when I blog it is mostly just a journal, I don't figure anyone but family reads me. It is the second time this has happened and WOW an audience is a big responsibility. I am laughing inside about it because I write because I have things to say, in hopes that some one might want to listen. Ironic that when someone does listen I go into shock.

I am starting this new organization thing because I was having breakfast the other day, 6pm, I looked over at the kitchen sink and realized that I hadn't done dishes in almost a week. Yikes! I have the time to do all these little chores, but it is motivation I have trouble with.

Even right now I am avoiding those same dishes to write this post.

Lately, I feel inspiration nudging me from the corner, the quiltfool wrote about a denim throw they use on the couch. I have a plan to cut up all the old jeans I have been collecting and make a throw blanket crazy patch, and embellish it with embroidery and buttons and beads and applique... I saw a picture somewhere a couple of years ago maybe in a magazine and it was beautiful. I can already imagine the texture of it and the weight. I don't know if I will be able to stop while it is still just a throw blanket, I might have to make a bedspread also.

See I get inspired and want to conquer the world. Then I wake up and realize I don't have time, because I have to have my dishes done first.

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