Monday, January 2, 2012

Do you ever get stuck?

I am at the end of a complicated and long time on again off again romance/friendship. I feel like I have lost a couple years of my life. I look around at my life and I don't like where I live, or my job, and I don't quite know how I got here. It feels like it happened while I was sleeping.

Enough of that. This is a new year and the rest of my life starts today. I am starting a bunch of new projects, some I will post and some are just for me (I won't have anything for show and tell if I give it all up on my blog).

Here are some of my Plans for 2012:

1)    I am going to get organized. Get rid of stuff I don't use, know what I have in storage, and use/enjoy the things that I do have.

2)    I will spend some time every day on something I love. Whether it is a hobby like quilting or crochet, or meeting a friend for coffee. Something every day.

3)    I will live in tune with my values. I have been so outside of what really matters to me it is time to get more aligned.

That said it is time for me to get doing something, life doesn't live itself. I have to be there and participate.

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