Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello World!

I have been putting off doing some difficult laundry items. They have been building up in my laundry basket and each time I do laundry they don't get done and go back into the basket. Sometimes they all get together and hang out under my kitchen table for a few days, then go back to the basket. They also like the bucket in the bathroom, but they always end up back in the laundry basket, unwashed. So today I am going to figure out how to clean them....

I have done a bunch of research online (where else do you go when you need to know the old world secrets). I am going to boil my laundry. I can feel you laughing at me. I have tried this before with the dirty dishcloths, you know the ones, that don't come clean and when you pull them out of the drawer you smell them and throw them back in the laundry. This seems to be a curse in my family, maybe it is just that we won't admit defeat and throw them away. Well I don't want to throw them just because they stink. I tried boiling some a few months ago, okay couple years ago, and they got much better. So now I am going to try it on other stuff, like facecloths and undershirts. I have this one shirt that I have been wearing to work for a while, and the pit-stains are nasty, the shirt itself is thrashed there are wear holes around the collar and, well it is just worn out. What better item to test a new process on! I took a couple of before pictures (not posting yet in case it doesn't work, so no-one will see how bad it really is) and I am going to get it clean then post after pictures. Again, I can FEEL you laughing at me. If this works I'm going to start a Laundry Revolution. I am that excited about it. Maybe I could work for the thrift stores to start off with, I am sure they throw a bunch of stuff because it is too stained to sell. Then I can work a private 'practice' nursing stained clothes back to health and cleanliness. Then maybe, I would give seminars and motivational talks to teach people how to do it themselves. Wow, what a dream.

Okay back to reality.

I really don't expect anyone else to actually be interested in this anytime soon, but I want to reduce the amount of waste that I send to the landfill. It really is all interconnected.

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