Thursday, February 16, 2012

I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

I am still working graveyards, I have no time to do anything that isn't related to working or sleeping. I have started to fight the good fight at work. I want more out of life, so I joined a monthly photo a day challenge. Boy-oh-boy, who was I kidding I don't even get to see daylight let alone take a decent picture of anything. I am trying to get my home organized, no time to... see above... I would really like to hang out some people I care about more than once a year. I am trying to get to a couple of meetings a week, huge challenge meetings usually start about the same time I start work in the evening, no luck there.

I am kinda falling into the pit of despair, not literally. But feeling sorry for myself and feeling stuck at the same time. Here I am in the prime of my life, single, desire to be social, and stuck living like a vampire against my will. All because I need to have a job. The job pays for things like rent, and groceries. And it puts gas in my car, mostly so I can get to and from work. ARGGGHHH!!!

This isn't a life.

(I just looked at what I have written and it so didn't go where I wanted it to)

I wanted to post about my photo challenge.

When I was sill in high-school, way back when, I had a friend that took photography. I used to hang out with her after school in the photo lab and help/learn about developing. It really sparked my interest, ever since then I have wanted my own dark room. So I am on Google+ and I see all these posts about photo a day, for a whole year. I am interested but that sounds huge. I don't know if I am ready for that kinda commitment. My New Year's Resolutions only lasted about 14 hours, how can I handle committing to something for 365, err66 days, every day. I also saw another challenge just for a month, now that is more my speed. I think I can handle a month.
        News Flash!
I really can't handle 3 days, before I get exhausted and give it up.I started late, posted 4 pictures, and haven't posted anything in more than a week. One more thing I don't have time for.

Well it is bed time now, it has been nice chatting with you. Have a nice day, hope to talk to you again soon.


  1. Hello! I saw you found my blog so I rummaged around until I got to your profile and could find your blog! I did chuckle at your poast because you talk about wanting to see more daylight and then next breath your fancying a dark room hehe .... maybe you are subconsciously a vampire and just can't get out of the dark!

    I work a more conventional 9 to 5 type job, ok maybe 8:30 to 5:30 is more accurate ... don't really like the work but like you say it pays the bills! Even these more regular hours don't always make it easy to get out after work, and it's difficult to make it to evening concerts and I find quilt groups often meet mid-day which is impossible too! I do make it to one quilt group, though I do need to get out and about more after work! lol

    Thanks for following me, and I look forward to hearing more on your dream of finding the daylight! ;)

    Giles (Touch And Sew)

  2. Thanks for finding me Giles. I guess I am kind of a walking contradiction, but what fun would life be if there was no change? I needed a laugh today, thanks. :)
