Monday, June 14, 2010

Inspired Silliness

So here I am a again at the beginning of my weekend, Monday and Tuesday. And I am feeling inspired.

I had a chat with a friend at work on break, it was the first time she realized I was a Quilter. News Flash. So my weekend, what project am I going to work on? I have about 6 on the go. Do I want to work on one of those? Or should I start a new project, and dig myself deeper into the UFO hole?

I have a bad case of weekend ADD, my dining room table is covered in STUFF. Quilting stuff, journaling stuff, computer stuff, and my lovely cup of coffee. I want to get past this and actually do some work on something. Talking with Ashleigh yesterday, I had a bit of a breakthrough. What I do is creative, and interesting. Wow, really? Me, creative? Who'd a thought? I have all these projects on the go, but when someone asks me what I am working on, I always say that I am doing the Puzzle quilt for my bed. Which I haven't even started yet, I am collecting materials for it, so I guess I am working on it, in a small way.

I have a plan to go fabric shopping with another friend of mine today. My favorite store is having a sale. Some products are on sale for buy one meter, get up to three for free. Can't miss this sale. So I need to write a list of things I NEED. So that I don't end up buying the whole store.

Shopping list:
- Black cotton for puzzle quilt
- Batting for puzzle quilt plus extra(can never have too much batting)
- Fabric pen for doing labels and signatures
- Interesting prints to add to puzzle quilt
- Build stash(lol)
- Check out non-cotton fabrics, for texture and drape, I want to make a dress for the summer. Something light and flowey.
- Patterns for summer dresses.

That aught to be good for today, I don't want to go overboard. I still have bills to pay and groceries to buy. But maybe this can be a skinny month, a sale like this only happens once in a Blue Moon.

Now I need to hop in the shower and then call my friend, I hope she still wants to go. Maybe I should have some breakfast first.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I did still want to go hehe. Posting the a day late I guess doesn't seem to work now does it? LOL It was a lot of fun rumaging thru all the fabric, looking at patterns, and then your little black bag you dropped haha. We still on for lunch today? John just left for work.
