Friday, June 25, 2010

I was just writing in my journal, starting a new one for my vegetarian journey.

I shouldn't eat the pizza at work, there is cheese on it. What am I going to do for breakfasts, I always put milk or yogurt on my oatmeal. A lot of my diet is already vegetarian but it is those little things, like the milk solids in my Coffeemate, How am I supposed to deal with that?

I realize that this is a huge change in my life. But how far am I willing to take it? Where is this going to lead me?

I am going to have to research every product I use, just to see if it in any way harms animals. Huge. There might be animal products in this computer. Gosh I hope not. What about my teacup collection, most of it is bone china? Is there animal products in the ink in my pens? How does one research these things?



I just watched two videos on a fellow Blogger's page. They were about cruelty to animals, and the impact on the environment. Thank you to Tyler Henry, for sharing. How did I find Tyler? I was scanning through Blogs, (with the next blog button) and found him interesting. So I have been following anonymously for a couple of months. He doesn't post very often. But really hit home with this one.

I need to put some thought into my values and priorities. I have recently found these two movements to follow. They are somewhat related, I feel strongly about both of them.

What do I do about the ice-cream date I have for tonight? That is definitely milk product, and I will not support the dairy industry any longer.

I will not waste the animal products I have in my fridge and cupboards. I will not let those sacrifices be in vain. But I won't let any more sacrifices be made for me, I am not worthy of animal sacrifice.

Thinking about it, animal products are in everything. There is milk in bread. I won't be eating cheese any more. No more leather; shoes, purses, furniture, car interiors. The list goes on. This is huge.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Monday" Back to Work After My Weekend

My weekend was Sunday, Monday, so my Monday morning was actually Tuesday. (Tough to follow, huh!) I go back to work Tuesday morning and I know I have my power-training class starting at 8am. Why so early, I do not know. I was the most experienced in the class, big surprise! I have been using the equipment for over 7 years with no official training. Of course I think the theory is a breeze, and when we get to the practical I half volunteer to go first. Guinea pig again. The first person in the class to get tested is always sort of a teaching tool for the instructor.

Of course I passed the test. I never doubted that I would. But it was interesting, and I am glad I am finally certified.

I wish that I could have stayed to watch the others in the class do their test. But you can't always get what you want.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I am on the ferry right now, Mom and Dad are meeting me at the other terminal. We are going to go for lunch, with their friend Rob, on the way home. I think I have finally worked out most of the bugs in this trip. Only a small glitch. I forgot my Coast Experience Card at home, which is basically my free pass. I keep a balance on it and when I get to the ticket booth they swipe my card and my fare is paid. It gives me a discount and my lovely mother uses her credit card to keep my balance up to date. I had to find an ATM because the ferries don’t take debit. Damn my credit rating. Then the machine didn’t complete my transaction, I had to check my balance on tele-banking then go back to the ATM to pull out the money. Then run to the ticket booth and hope that I am going to make the 1120 ferry. All with my 50 pound suitcase in tow. The clerk called out for any one for Langdale and I went up to the front of the line. Paid my fare and ran for the waiting room, they had already loaded all the foot passengers and I walked right through onto the boat. Oh course I have had to pee since 5 min after I left the house. So much fun, spending almost 2 hours on public transit holding it. Adventures in local travel.

Disturbing Night

I am traveling to Gibsons today, so I stayed at a friends place last night. Mostly so I could get a ride to the Skytrain in the morning, and not have to leave my car in the parking lot.

When I stay over at this friends place I sleep on the couch, of course. And her step son always comes upstairs in the middle of the night for a snack and a glass of milk. Well last night I guess he didn’t know I was here. He came up the stairs and went into the kitchen, did his snack thing and I guess he thought ‘I’ll flake out on the couch for a few minutes’. the problem was that he wasn’t wearing anything. So I am trying to sleep, and this Huge Naked 18 Year-old Idiot almost flopped onto the couch right on top of me. What a way to wake up at 3AM. I’m not even sure he knows I was there. He didn’t say a word. I am in shock.

So upon waking up at 7AM, I put on a pot of coffee, cause that is what a guest should do. And I just continue on my regular morning routine. While my coffee is brewing I do/finish my dishes from the night before. So I did Katie’s dishes. Her younger son, wakes up and comes out to the kitchen, makes a bagel and goes back to his room.

Like I said, I am traveling today, so I have to make sure I have enough stuff to do on my computer without relying on having internet. This could be interesting. I have become so used to just working on the web that I almost forget what I should do if I don’t have it.

I think it might be time for breakfast, so that’s all for now.

I almost forgot. Happy Father's Day to all the dads in the world, you are doing a great job.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Out and About

I have been spending alot of time with my friend Katie. We went shopping yesterday, for fabric. I managed to spend over $50 and now have a whole bunch of work to do. I finaly got the black background fabric for my puzzle quilt, and maybe the backing material. So my hope is to have the quilt finished to enter in the Guild quilt show next May. I know, I am being ambitious, but you just don't know until you try.

Went shopping again at the same shop today with my sister, and this time it was her turn to spend money. She got her membership to the Club for just $12, and then spent almost $100 on outsoor decor fabric to recover the patio funiture they picked up off the curb last spring. I am so proud of her it is a big project but I know she can do it.

Apparently there are people reading my Blogs, I am getting comments and everyone says I need to make the pasta and stop talking about it. I'll work on that, but the pasta machine will always live in the box.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Inspired Silliness

So here I am a again at the beginning of my weekend, Monday and Tuesday. And I am feeling inspired.

I had a chat with a friend at work on break, it was the first time she realized I was a Quilter. News Flash. So my weekend, what project am I going to work on? I have about 6 on the go. Do I want to work on one of those? Or should I start a new project, and dig myself deeper into the UFO hole?

I have a bad case of weekend ADD, my dining room table is covered in STUFF. Quilting stuff, journaling stuff, computer stuff, and my lovely cup of coffee. I want to get past this and actually do some work on something. Talking with Ashleigh yesterday, I had a bit of a breakthrough. What I do is creative, and interesting. Wow, really? Me, creative? Who'd a thought? I have all these projects on the go, but when someone asks me what I am working on, I always say that I am doing the Puzzle quilt for my bed. Which I haven't even started yet, I am collecting materials for it, so I guess I am working on it, in a small way.

I have a plan to go fabric shopping with another friend of mine today. My favorite store is having a sale. Some products are on sale for buy one meter, get up to three for free. Can't miss this sale. So I need to write a list of things I NEED. So that I don't end up buying the whole store.

Shopping list:
- Black cotton for puzzle quilt
- Batting for puzzle quilt plus extra(can never have too much batting)
- Fabric pen for doing labels and signatures
- Interesting prints to add to puzzle quilt
- Build stash(lol)
- Check out non-cotton fabrics, for texture and drape, I want to make a dress for the summer. Something light and flowey.
- Patterns for summer dresses.

That aught to be good for today, I don't want to go overboard. I still have bills to pay and groceries to buy. But maybe this can be a skinny month, a sale like this only happens once in a Blue Moon.

Now I need to hop in the shower and then call my friend, I hope she still wants to go. Maybe I should have some breakfast first.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rambling Today

Breakfast was Fantastic!

Now just pulled my fresh baked bread out of the oven. The house smells so good, must be driving them nuts upstairs. lol

Had to scrap the idea of pasta today, too many bandaids on my hands, maybe tomorrow. So I have a friend planning on coming by after work tonight, opportunity to share food I have made, tee hee. I am really looking forward to seeing her, she will probably bring a 6-pack, my lucky day. Maybe I should do some housework?! Had some success with the dishes, but then decided to bake. So kitchen is again in a state of chaos. How does this happen?

Remember the food resolutions I made like a week ago, well I am going to take them and write them on my bathroom mirror so I read them every day. Cause that is the only way that I will make any progress. hmmmm, if I start doing that my whole mirror will be covered, there will be no space to use as mirror, so much to say to myself. Not like I'm listening.

Speaking of things to remember. My friend sent me this invite on Facebook, to fast from negative thought for 40 days. I have to write that on the mirror as well. That's gonna be tough, cause I am a very sarcastic person. Sarcasm is kinda part of what makes me, me. I don't think I can go 40 days without it, might go through withdrawal.
Okay so not much progress on the sharing food idea. But now I have two days off and I am planning on making pasta today. I have all my ingredients and time on my hands, all I need now is some motivation. Anybody got any to spare?

I have spent the morning getting the dishes under control. I need to eat something, AKA make more dirty dishes, then I can start on the pasta and maybe a loaf of bread. Haven't made bread in a while, it always smells so good.

What to do for breakfast/lunch? Eggs on toast? Grilled cheese sandwich? Or am I really lazy, Bowl of oatmeal?
Best idea yet. Tomato soup with a sliced boiled egg and toast! Decided!

More after Brunch.