Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Days!

Yes we got a bunch more snow, yay! I happened to be awake at 3:30 this morning, so I peaked outside to see how much snow we got. There was about three more inches, WOW. I was already awake so I bundled up (scarf, gloves, housecoat, winter-boots) and went outside to sweep my area. Little did I realize what a mistake this was going to be. I went back to bed, curled up with a fresh hot-water-bottle and slept til about 7:30. I woke up to a power outage, no lights, no heat, NO COFFEE. Meanwhile the freezing rain had started, the area I had swept was now a sheet of ICE. I settled in for a day without light or heat until the craving for coffee was bad enough to motivate me to walk to the gas station up the road for a cup.

I bundled up properly this time. I don't have any long-johns so I improvised, summer pj-pants under jeans with t-shirt, thin zip up sweat shirt, and big bulky (favorite) hoodie. Top it off with down winter jacket and snow boots, I was ready to go. Now I am a little OCD and a lot ADD so I can never leave the house just once. By the time I actually got out of the house I was quite warm and very much looking forward to that cup of coffee. It was a really nice walk, the snow was beautiful (forgot to take my camera) even if it was slightly trampled by the rain. And never before in my life has gas station coffee ever tasted so good.

Aren't I lucky, as I was walking home with hot coffee in gloved hands, I saw the utility company truck with a guy in the cherry-picker up the pole at the corner. The power was back on by the time I got to the house.

Pretty eventful day, up until 10:00 am.

And this is the part of snow days that I love. Being home, having nowhere to go, baking something sweet and just relaxing.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I made the dreaded phone call... It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, except that it lead to another call I got stressed about. I promptly shook my head "the first one wasn't so bad, just do it now while you are still celebrating the first one". I made that second call. Low and behold that one wasn't so bad either! I know that each time I succeed at this it only makes it easier to succeed next time.

Check, difficult phone calls made.

Now I can move onto other (more important) things, hehe.

I decided to reorganize my entrance way today. It was one of those impulse things. I started to pick up the stuff that accumulates there so I could shake out the mat, and next thing I know I am digging in the storage room to get that utility shelf thing 'I know it's in here, somewhere'. Got that set up and kinda level. It now holds a couple of houseplants that don't really have a home, my shoes, and stuff that needs to go out (to car, back to owner, etc.) I feel good about it, productive.

I have been having computer troubles. I keep losing my antivirus program, or rather the license key to it. I have become quite proficient at uninstalling and reinstalling it. Today when I realized that was the problem I got it done in about 15 min. I think my computer problems are bigger than that. I think I need to wipe it and reformat. EEEEEKKK!!!! I have never done this before. I think I should tell someone that I am, kinda like when you go camping or hiking out in the wild, tell someone where you are going so that if you don't check in in a few days they know where to start looking for you.

I hear we are getting more snow tonight. This might be the first time I am excited about it. Feeling a little better about life I can look forward to being snowed in for another day. Not like I really have anywhere to go anyway. Mmmmm just thinking I should probably got up to the laundromat soon, I am starting to run out of clean socks. LOL

That's good for me today.

Hope everyone is enjoying the snow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I've been chatting with a friend on FB. We kept finding all these strange sounds recorded around august and september last year. I think they were related to the earthquake, but lots of the youtube posts liked it to the book of revelations. Kinda freaky.

Are we in the middle of the apocalypse?

I have way too much time on my hands right now. Little brain, big thoughts. Not a good combination.

I've got another one of those big nasty phone calls to make. Way too much anxiety attached. I know I need to do it, but I don't even know how to word my question. I know I am stalling, but that is what the procrastinator in me does. I can find anything and everything else to do until it is too late, then I have to do it tomorrow.

How is that for honesty?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Update on the quilting stuff:

So I got the next two rows stitched into blocks and now row # 5 and 6 are ready to go. I am proud of myself, I haven't done this much work on it in months. Just looking at it now, it looks the same as the last pic I posted, but it isn't. See that little pile at the bottom right of the pic, that is the first two rows, lol. There is at least 3 hours work up there on the wall, and that doesn't include all the unpicking I had to do because I didn't check the tension.

I am feeling a little better about the recovery stuff. It isn't all my fault. Maybe there are resources available to me that I haven't explored yet. I can get through this. I need to learn to ask for support. That usually entails making a phone call.

That fear of the phone, I come by it so honestly. I swear it runs in the family.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I posted this pic on facebook (something that I rarely do) a picture of my quilting design wall, with my current project on it. I have been 'working' on this quilt since 2008 ish. Collecting fabrics takes a long time when you want something like 30 of them. I cut all the pieces about a year ago and slowly have been piecing them together. I have 16 blocks assembled only 48 to go. Anyway it is taking a lot of concentration because they all have to be put together with pieces of the neighboring blocks. See how they interlock like 'Puzzle Pieces'. So I got inspired about 11pm last night, (on Friday the 13th) I made the decision not to pull out the sewing machine to start piecing right then, but put in some time organizing my workspace. So that when I can do some piecing I can just jump right in. I am just waiting for my coffee to drip then I think I will get started. With all that funny white stuff on the ground outside I don't think I am going anywhere today so I might as well do something nice for myself.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Activist moves homeless into foreclosures

Activist moves homeless into foreclosures

Wow. I wonder if there is anything like this going on in Canada?

Book Review: The Post Carbon Reader (Daniel Lerch interview)

Book Review: The Post Carbon Reader (Daniel Lerch interview)

Found this article on the new Zeitgeist daily paper. Sounds like something I need to read.

Really an excuse to try the share button and see what happens.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wow, I thought I would take a look at my blogs and see if I wanted to post. And realized I must like pink after all. My backgrounds were both pink! I don't do pink! I am not a girly girl. I go for oranges and earthtones. Not a lot of pink in earthtones.

I am just chilling a bit before I go to bed. I am still working graveyard shift, and it sucks. I have no social life. There is a little time in the morning and like two hours late at night, but most of my awake time is while everyone else is sleeping.

I had a bit of a revelation today. Was chatting with a friend on Facebook. I was telling him about my plans for the new me. It felt really good to articulate it, to get it out into the universe and hear some feedback. I have a plan and it is now up to me to follow through and make it happen.

That's enough for now. Maybe I will be a little more talkative later.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Do you ever get stuck?

I am at the end of a complicated and long time on again off again romance/friendship. I feel like I have lost a couple years of my life. I look around at my life and I don't like where I live, or my job, and I don't quite know how I got here. It feels like it happened while I was sleeping.

Enough of that. This is a new year and the rest of my life starts today. I am starting a bunch of new projects, some I will post and some are just for me (I won't have anything for show and tell if I give it all up on my blog).

Here are some of my Plans for 2012:

1)    I am going to get organized. Get rid of stuff I don't use, know what I have in storage, and use/enjoy the things that I do have.

2)    I will spend some time every day on something I love. Whether it is a hobby like quilting or crochet, or meeting a friend for coffee. Something every day.

3)    I will live in tune with my values. I have been so outside of what really matters to me it is time to get more aligned.

That said it is time for me to get doing something, life doesn't live itself. I have to be there and participate.
The good thing I did today: I started a new blog to help me get rid of some stuff. (and it is only 5am) 2012downsizing I am feeling very overwhelmed with my stuff, and need to get rid of. I need to create some clear space in my life and make room for some good stuff. Like life and love.

This is going to be an ongoing process and maybe it will take more than a year, but this is the year for me to start. There is no time like the present.

Thanks for visiting, see you again soon.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I found a challenge from a fellow blogger.

I have been thinking about what I did today. I have had a pretty low key day, watching movies, napping, writing a little. I guess my good thing today is taking care of myself. No needless stress in my day. Wouldn't it be nice if everyday could be like this.