Monday, April 12, 2010

Cooking Part II

What was I thinking? Lasagna this weekend, I don't think so. Here I am Monday morning and no Lasagna in the fridge and no grocery shopping done. Motivation level almost Zero. I have to work today, a closing shift, so no grocery shopping today either. Maybe Thursday? I won't have time before then. Good thing Thursday is payday, I won't have to censor my shopping list. I will be able to get those things I usually skip for budget reasons, like Real Mozza. I guess that means I have to write a proper shopping list, not one of those 12 items or less so I can go through the express lane. I might even get a buggie. So, I need new cooking ideas. I have been searching on the net for interesting ideas and always end up looking at the same types of recipes, always pasta and sauces, a little OCD about Italian cooking?? No, not at all. Things did improve in the Kitchen this weekend. I made a fantastic simple salad/pasta dish. Romaine lettuce, hot noodles with a light pesto sauce, tossed together with some parmesan. I know it sounds icky but if you eat it right away it is really refreshing. So what can I do tonight at 11pm that is going to be edible? Also quick? Maybe fall back on my old standby of a taco salad. I have all the stuff and it is quick, how fast can you heat up a tin of chili.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really surprised at how much pasta you eat, and your a rail in compairison to me. Your motablism must be on over drive is all I can say.
