Monday, April 26, 2010

Rebirth of a Foodie

As I have said before I am a Foodie. What is a Foodie you ask? Well, do you know anyone who watches food network on a regular basis or has more cookbooks than you do novels, well that person is a Foodie.
I have been depressed about food lately, and now I know why. I have been eating too much meat, way too much. My system works so much better when I eat almost entirely vegetarian. So for lunch today I put together a fresh bean salad with sun-dried tomato and oregano dressing (thanks again to Katie). And I have some dough going in my bread machine so I can make cinnamon rolls later.
I have been looking for new ideas on the web and of course getting totally overwhelmed. Found a pita in the bread machine recipe which I want to try. One of my favorite things in the whole world is hummus and pita. Years ago when I still lived with my parents I made pita in their machine but didn't write down the recipe. I have yet to recreate that same success. Note to Mom: Please send me the pita recipe.
For now I will work on my shopping list and dream about food again, and hope for more food inspiration.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cooking Part II

What was I thinking? Lasagna this weekend, I don't think so. Here I am Monday morning and no Lasagna in the fridge and no grocery shopping done. Motivation level almost Zero. I have to work today, a closing shift, so no grocery shopping today either. Maybe Thursday? I won't have time before then. Good thing Thursday is payday, I won't have to censor my shopping list. I will be able to get those things I usually skip for budget reasons, like Real Mozza. I guess that means I have to write a proper shopping list, not one of those 12 items or less so I can go through the express lane. I might even get a buggie. So, I need new cooking ideas. I have been searching on the net for interesting ideas and always end up looking at the same types of recipes, always pasta and sauces, a little OCD about Italian cooking?? No, not at all. Things did improve in the Kitchen this weekend. I made a fantastic simple salad/pasta dish. Romaine lettuce, hot noodles with a light pesto sauce, tossed together with some parmesan. I know it sounds icky but if you eat it right away it is really refreshing. So what can I do tonight at 11pm that is going to be edible? Also quick? Maybe fall back on my old standby of a taco salad. I have all the stuff and it is quick, how fast can you heat up a tin of chili.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I have lost my interest in cooking. I used to be a major foodie. I would try all those new, unusual products in the grocery store, and actually like some of them. I had to try every thing new, and was always playing with new combinations. I used to have so much fun with food. I miss those good times.
So here I am bored to tears with my own cooking, and want the spark back in the kitchen. Hey, I'd like the spark back in most areas of my life!!!
But really, food. I know you can't live without it, you need to eat, it is fuel for the body and the mind. I know you have to eat a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, protein, carbs, and dairy. I know all about the Canada Food Guide.
I have been cooking the same three dishes for the past three years. It is time for a change. So this weekend I am going to make home made pasta(I bought a pasta rolling machine last year and haven't used it yet). Maybe Lasagna, I'll have some grocery shopping to do, which is not a real appealing prospect as I work in a grocery store and cannot stand to be in a grocery store as a shopper for more than ten minutes. Maybe I will have to go to a different store.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Internet Woes.

I have my first computer. I am just getting over my life-long status as a technophobe. So for Christmas my big gift from my parents was a brand new laptop. Fast-forward to February 8-2010.
I make the trek to Mom and Dad’s house, (about four hours travel from my house in Delta to the Langdale Ferry terminal where they pick me up) to pick up computer and do setup with them.
I don’t have access to a wireless connection at home, so for now I am taking my computer out on Dates. I go up to Starbucks, buy a coffee or tea and sit there to check my email and surf the net. This kinda sucks, I am an introvert. I need my alone time. Public places stress me out. There are other options, I can go over to my friend’s house and connect to her wireless. But her house is almost Grand Central Station, there are always people coming and going. It is so noisy over there, that I just can’t concentrate. Fast-forward again to March 29, 2010.
I am trying to set up a wireless router on the computer upstairs, courtesy of my lovely sister, Charmaine. I made a date with her for Good Friday, to do the setup. I’m finally going to get on the internet AT HOME. Happy dance, much celebration! But as always, there are hiccups. My brother-in-law a bit of a control-freak. Apparently Charmaine had not cleared our plans with big D. We were almost halfway through the process and he comes into the living-room and stops us mid-hook-up.
So, no internet today (Good Friday, only day off until Thursday). He promises to hook it up on Monday, I won’t hold my breath.

Tick, Tick.

I recently bought a new clock for my Kitchen. I was so proud. Got just the right color and everything. So I get it home and insert the battery, bang a nail into the wall and hang New Clock. I step back to admire my handy work, and realize. THIS CLOCK IS LOUD.
After work that afternoon my sister visits me for a quick chat and all I can think about is this crazy clock. She can't even hear it. I must be going crazy. Every five minutes or so, "That clock has gotta go!"
That was about a week ago, and now I'm up to twenty minutes. I'm so happy. Maybe I can keep the clock after all.
Reminds me of another occasion. With my sister and clocks.
I think I'll save that one for now.