Sunday, August 18, 2013

I have been living in this particular basement suite for more than two years. I was in a really tough spot when I chose it. I was running away from a very abusive relationship and had nowhere to go and no time. I found this place kinda by accident, I looked at a place down the street and took too long to decide and they gave it to someone else. I saw the sign on the window of this place and took a look cause I was desperate. It looked okay, notice I say LOOKED. So far every time something happens that needs to be fixed it takes months to even get a response from the landlord. And they still haven't finished the things they promised to do before I moved in. The landlords do not speak any English, and unfortunately I do not speak any Punjabi. So we have this major communication barrier. I have very recently decided that I need to move. The problem with that is that I have no money, and am starting school in a couple of days. I have way too much stuff and not enough time. I am reflecting on what my life has been for the last year or so, and I have wasted so much time. I have been feeling so sorry for myself and woe is me, I can't do anything right and Please feel sorry for me... It is so destructive.

So here I am starting school in two days, with a leaky toilet, fighting with the landlord, hating where I live and how much stuff I have. I could go on...

But today is a whole new day. I can make today anything I want it to be. I can get up off my butt and start something.

On a slightly lighter note. (Okay whole lot lighter)

My funding got approved. I was scheduled to get my first deposit tomorrow. I just checked my bank balance and the deposit came in a day early! ***Yay!*** I get to go shopping today. :) Tools and Supplies today, and books tomorrow. I might even hit up a thrift store cause I really need some jeans.

Anyway... I have stuff to do. Time to get some breaky in my belly and get moving. 

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