Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I am going through a rough spot.

That's putting it gently.

I have applied for the course I want, at the school I want, and applied for financial aid, basically I have jumped through the hoops that I thought I was supposed to jump through. And here I am: less that 5 weeks before classes start, no funding, no confirmation, no nothing. I just got an email from studentaid saying that they haven't received my declaration yet. What! I printed, signed, and sent that in two weeks ago! Something in the system is not working. I am very frustrated and I am tired of fighting for every little thing in life. Why is everything such a struggle!

I am terrified of the phone, as anyone who knows me knows. As soon as I got the email from the gov I jumped on the phone to the school financial aid officer and left a message with my info. I don't know how long this is going to take, and at this point I don't even know if I will be starting classes on the start date.

So I have done what I can do for today. At least as far as this issue is concerned.

I am now going to distract myself by making some bread. Put on some tunes and chill out.

Come to think of it maybe the heat has finally gone to my head.

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