Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So the other day I wrote a post and published it on my blog.

Immediately afterward my computer keyboard stopped working. The keys would push down but only about 30 % of my keystrokes would actually get to the screen... very frustrating. Even to enter my password to log on to windows was a challenge. So I did get logged on and I did some scans to see if I could find out what happened. No luck.

I have had a really busy week and haven't had time to sit down and really figure out what happened until last night. Well...

I looked at it yesterday and saw a light flashing that I don't remember noticing before. On closer inspection it is the battery indicator. So I logged off and shut everything down, waited for all the humming and such to stop. Flipped the laptop over and popped the battery out. When I booted up again everything works perfectly.

Almost makes me think I was going a little crazy.

So now that the computer is working properly again, I can write. I have been avoiding writing because I felt like I had nothing to say. I should more accurately say that I wasn't inspired to write anything I thought anyone else might like to read. Cause really it is about the audience. (And mine is so widespread... lol)

Things have been good this week.

It started with a bang. There was an accident on the main road in my neighborhood, and it knocked out the power for a huge area for I think about 18 hours. I love power outages, I really do love to lose the modern 'basic' necessities. On Tuesday morning I pulled out my camp stove and made my coffee out on the patio. Was so nice. I really get a sense of my precarious position in the chain of nature when there is no electricity. It put me in a real state of motivation and inspiration. And aside from that I got a really good night's sleep, I didn't fall asleep with the TV on, or wake up at 6:00 to the blender upstairs. I had almost forgotten what it was like to just lay down and go to sleep. (You know you have too much on your mind when you forget what a good night's sleep is like.)

Okay, I think I am just about spent. It has been such a busy day and so much happened. I want to write about it all, but I also really need some sleep.

So I am off to the showers, then to bed.
(No TV, well not for long, just a half hour, maybe an hour?)

Anyway :)

Good night world. I feel good.

1 comment:

  1. I like hearing/reading about what's on your mind. Keep the posts coming :)
