Thursday, January 3, 2013

This is a moment for me. 2012 was a little rough with me, it had some stuff to throw at me. Boy, am I lucky I can catch.

2012 a recap:

Worked 6 months of graveyard shifts, at a job I hated.

Was suspended from said job twice. 

Met, landed and lost the man of my dreams.

Lost and gained almost 20 pounds due to stress.

Went on a couple of really cool road trips.

Started baking sourdough bread.

Stopped working at above-stated hated job.

Was unemployed for about four and a half months.

Had a great summer, got tan lines for the first time since 1997.

Went to school for a month, and learned a bunch of really cool stuff.

Landed a job that I really loved, seasonal contract that is over now. (gonna miss this one)

Planned and finished some really cool homemade gifts for my family for Christmas.

Learned a lot about myself.

Okay, when I lay it all out like that it doesn't sound so bad. This last couple of months, I have felt like I have been run over by a truck. I guess I needed to see it out there in black and white to really appreciate what I have been through this year. I knew it had some ups and downs but in my usual fashion I fixate on the negative. Well now comes in my New Year's Resolution. (singular) I need to get the wording on this one right cause right now is when it counts.

In 2013 I resolve to:

Keep a positive outlook on life.

Get rid of the stuff that isn't in line with my highest good.

Become the woman that I know I am meant to be.

I know it looks like three, but really it is all so interconnected that it is one. I guess the real resolution is that I am working toward living my dreams.

So this is my wish for everyone to have a healthy and prosperous 2013. 


  1. Happy 2013! Love your entry, keep up the positive outlook - it looks good on you :)

    1. Thanks! I am looking forward to what this year is gonna bring.
