Thursday, September 20, 2012

My computer went kaput. I am very fortunate that my mom still had her old laptop, and let me borrow it. The funny thing about this is that mom's laptop gets better internet reception than mine ever did. I will have to ask the computer guy about this when I take mine in for repair. I haven't been able to regularly log on with my laptop for several months, it almost seems personal. Which to me is kinda ridiculous, because what would I have done?

So anyways.

I have been going through a tough patch. I got pushed out of my job, my car broke down, the computer crapped out. And to top it off, my boyfriend is coming to visit for a few days. My house is in chaos right now, mostly because I have been spending so much time trying to distract myself from the fact that life decided to fall apart on me this summer.

I have a big To Do List. And it is all urgent.

I remember reading in one of my many self help books that you should spend the most time on important tasks, as opposed to just urgent ones. After a while the urgency diminishes, and you get to spend your time on stuff that is important but not urgent. I almost wish I could turn back time and spend some of it on maintenance instead of avoidance. I am learning, sometimes slowly, sometimes REALLY slowly.

I could live in the world of what if's but I think that classes as insanity. Speaking of there are two kinds of crazy in this world, there is good crazy that means you can see the fun in all kinds of life situations, then there is the bad crazy which involves denial and manipulation and control. I know I can be one of those people that has the good crazy. 

Well it has been great chatting, but I got a bunch of stuff to do. Gotta get to it before it becomes really urgent. lol :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I am going through some changes in my life. I want to share some of these today here on my blog.

I have been researching possible new careers for myself. I am looking at nutrition, health and wellness, and life coaching. My thinking is that these are all things I am passionate about and they are interconnected. If I can get some education in these areas I could have a personal business that would be satisfying on a personal and global level for me.

I started looking at nutrition. How the foods we eat affect our health and how we feel. I think I have a good idea how food affects my system, but I need to learn the why and how it would affect other people. I know from experience that the same food affects different people differently. There is no one diet that suits everyone.


What exactly is a Diet? It has really become one of the four letter words. You know the ones, they are all bad. They all mean something dirty.

I looked it up, and my definition is #4: the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group: The native diet consists of fish and fruit.

A diet consists of everything a person puts into their system. It does not include the stuff you plan on eating, or know you should eat. It is the stuff you eat now. I don't understand how we, as a society have gotten so confused about this.

Right now I know my diet is less than ideal. I could be eating much healthier, but I am not going to deny what I am eating. I am eating way too much processed foods, not enough good protein, and not nearly enough fruits and vegetables. I do try to sub whole grains for white flour whenever I can.

I have some junk in my house that I need to use up before I can put a real solid effort into devising a healthy eating plan for myself. I have some processed salad dressings that have to go, and the non-dairy coffee creamer is so bad (the first ingredient it 'corn syrup solids')

I am trying to eat cleaner, no processed food, and less sugar. Sugar is really the Big Bad. The little research I have done so far, processed sugar is metabolized by the body as a poison. And the human body isn't able to process it as fast as we are eating it. So what is happening is it is building up in our systems and making us all sick. I for one don't want to be sick anymore.