Friday, June 29, 2012

I am in a quandry. I want to write, but I have to leave for work in a few minutes. If I leave it til after work I won't write at all. I am going away for my long weekend, and I have been so busy getting ready. Getting the car ready, and cleaned out. Making sure I have some craft projects to keep my hands busy. Trying to get caught up on the housework stuff, so I don't have to come home to a messy house and a bunch of work to do. Work is rough, last night was tough I almost quit on the spot. I am so tired of the BS, I don't want to play anymore.

And through all this I am constantly thinking about Clutter Busting. What can I get rid of? What is no longer part of my life right now?

The conflict comes in when I get motivated to do some stuff (like now) I have to go to work, or sleep. I want to have some time to be myself and get some work done on myself. Is that asking too much?

Please Universe, let me get some stuff done. Please.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I have been reading my new book, I finally picked up a copy of Brooks Palmer's Clutter Busting. And it is taking over my life. I was reading earlier about a woman who was keeping all the emails from a past relationship, and I can relate. I have been holding on to old love letters and emails for years. I almost wish I could post proof that I am deleting and throwing this stuff out. I guess I will have to get creative and find symbolic representations of these acts.

I took the time yesterday to take my before pictures of my house. I haven't even looked at them yet, I am a little afraid of what I will see. Cause when I see my stuff out of context it always looks so different than what I see when I look around the house.

I had a moment at work last night. I have been fighting to not get emotionally invested in my job, good luck with that one. I have been working on it for months. Finally last night when it all hit the fan - I was able to just keep my cool and get through it. I didn't freak out or melt down or anything. I am so proud of myself. So proud. I never knew it was possible.

In other news. -
Finally watched the ending of 'The Book of Eli.' What a good movie. I borrowed it from my neighbor and it has taken a long time to sit down and watch it.

What else have I got... I am kinda drawing a blank, maybe I need to get off the computer and do something. Ha Ha What like, live life.

Ciao! lotsalove. seeyalater.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

There is a lot going on in my life right now. I know I should share some of it, but I don't know where to start.

I am still working full time, hate my job, but have to continue because it pays the bills.

I am living in this little two bedroom basement suite, that is way too small for all my stuff, still. And frankly I don't like it much.

There is a man in my life. (Don't know how much to say about this, cause there is so much going on there)

I heard that a friend of mine has started selling stuff on ebay and quit her job. She is shopping at thrift stores and turning it over on ebay for quite the profit. Sounds like it could work, but how much work is it?

My mom just got a long arm. So now I have the extra motivation I need to get working on my quilt again.

Okay that is enough rambling. What is really going on? What, in June? My phone and my dvd player both crapped out on the same week. So they have both been replaced, yay new toys. I finally graduated to a touch screen phone, wow shiny! Got the dvd player really cheap at a overstock store for $17.88, couldn't believe it. It doesn't do much, just dvds. I haven't even tried a cd in it yet.

I seem to be in the middle of an epiphany about getting on with getting organized. I am at the point where I want it so bad that it is consuming almost all my waking thoughts. I have ideas while driving, while at work, but always right in the middle of doing something else. I know that even now I should be doing something productive. But really my head is so cluttered that when I do start to get some stuff done I get so distracted, my brain wanders off after like 5 minutes. Very Frustrating! So this is an effort to clear some of the mental clutter so I can get started on some of the physical clutter. I have been reading Clutter Busting and he talks about the mental side of getting rid of stuff. I have noticed that I get really overwhelmed and can only do so much before my brain shuts down and I can't let go of anything. I have this amazing opportunity right  now and I am going to take advantage of it.

What is this opportunity, you ask? Well I have this new man in my life. And I have found in him 99% of all my 'Partner Wish List'. What are the odds of that? The one percent? He's short, not real short, just an inch less than me. So I think I can cope with that. Oh yeah, and he's a neat freak (in contrast to my clutter-bug). So here is the golden opportunity... He is working out of town, construction, he is going to be away for 5 months. Now this is still pretty early in the relationship, we just passed the three month mark. I am going to have some time on my hands. What am I going to do? GET ORGANIZED! I am going to make some progress on the clutter-bugishness that has been holding me back, for all these years. It is time for me to grow up and get rid of stuff. It is going to be about getting honest and growing up. I am going to take a bunch of before pictures, so that when I get to taking some after pictures I will have something to compare it to. Again this is going to be about maturity. No time like the present. I have said it before 'life doesn't happen while I am writing it on a list.'

I have all these plans. I want to get so much done. I have all the ideas and now is the time to put some of it into motion.

But right now I have to get ready for work. It is Jaq's last day before her holiday and we are doing pizza for lunch. So looking forward to it.

That's about all I have time for today. Happy Friday world. ttys!