Thursday, February 16, 2012

I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

I am still working graveyards, I have no time to do anything that isn't related to working or sleeping. I have started to fight the good fight at work. I want more out of life, so I joined a monthly photo a day challenge. Boy-oh-boy, who was I kidding I don't even get to see daylight let alone take a decent picture of anything. I am trying to get my home organized, no time to... see above... I would really like to hang out some people I care about more than once a year. I am trying to get to a couple of meetings a week, huge challenge meetings usually start about the same time I start work in the evening, no luck there.

I am kinda falling into the pit of despair, not literally. But feeling sorry for myself and feeling stuck at the same time. Here I am in the prime of my life, single, desire to be social, and stuck living like a vampire against my will. All because I need to have a job. The job pays for things like rent, and groceries. And it puts gas in my car, mostly so I can get to and from work. ARGGGHHH!!!

This isn't a life.

(I just looked at what I have written and it so didn't go where I wanted it to)

I wanted to post about my photo challenge.

When I was sill in high-school, way back when, I had a friend that took photography. I used to hang out with her after school in the photo lab and help/learn about developing. It really sparked my interest, ever since then I have wanted my own dark room. So I am on Google+ and I see all these posts about photo a day, for a whole year. I am interested but that sounds huge. I don't know if I am ready for that kinda commitment. My New Year's Resolutions only lasted about 14 hours, how can I handle committing to something for 365, err66 days, every day. I also saw another challenge just for a month, now that is more my speed. I think I can handle a month.
        News Flash!
I really can't handle 3 days, before I get exhausted and give it up.I started late, posted 4 pictures, and haven't posted anything in more than a week. One more thing I don't have time for.

Well it is bed time now, it has been nice chatting with you. Have a nice day, hope to talk to you again soon.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I saw this on G+. Are you Right Brained or Left Brained?

Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz
The higher of these two numbers below indicates which side of your brain has dominance in your life.  Realising your right brain/left brain tendancy will help you interact with and to understand others.
Left Brain Dominance: 10(10)
Right Brain Dominance: 15(15)
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz


Apparently I am Right Brained.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have a bunch of sites I subscribe to on the internet, for reading. I don't know if it is winter blues or what? But I am running out of stuff to read. I am trying to cut down on the number of blogs I feel compelled to read, but now I am looking for new stuff. What is going on? Am I that deprived that I need to search out other peoples lives to substitute for having one of my own? There is other stuff I want to be doing with my time, like getting my house organized, some big stuff like that. I was looking at some stuff on youtube today, about procrastination. Big nasty word. I am all the different types of procrastinator. I can put anything off almost indefinitely. Why bother doing it tomorrow, when I can avoid it altogether.

Time to get motivated. Right now is my Friday morning, I have to work tonight then I have my 'weekend', if it can be called that. I have stuff to do, I really want to do it.

I just did a preview and this really is a thought bubble. POP!